Welcome everyone to the meeting at my place. There is close the train station and we can do car pooling if needed. Everyone welcome

Availability list

titi [2] Susanna J Marco K Edgar R Watze de Wolf Xavier J Miha O Linh T
Ilkka S
chamila k Anusha H Sanna A Elena VL Antti A Lissette M Gonzalo C Koen V Titi

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Supporter 1 0
Associated 1 1
Active 6 0
Visitors 0
Total In 8 Out 1
Previous / Next In Out
Team meeting Thu 15.8. at 18:00 5 4
Serving event Sat 7.9. at 11:00 4 3
Team meeting Tue 10.9. at 18:30 8 1
Team meeting Thu 3.10. at 18:15 2 2
Serving event Sat 5.10. at 11:00 3 1

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